KAMAT heißt ALLEGO Global als neuen exklusiven Vertriebspartner willkommen: „Wir freuen uns, heute den offiziellen Beginn unseres neuen Vertriebspartners für die Öl- und Gasbranche in Kanada bekannt zu geben“, informiert Sales Director Fabian Hoff, der maßgeblich an der neuen Partnerschaftsanbahnung beteiligt war.

KAMAT ist überzeugt, dass ALLEGO ideal geeignet ist, um KAMATs Hochdrucklösungen von KAMAT auf dem Kanadischen Öl- und Gassektor voranzubringen: „Wir sind stolz, ALLEGO Global Corp. an Bord zu haben und freuen uns auf die zukünftige Zusammenarbeit. ALLEGO Global führt schlüsselfertige Projekte für die Öl- und Gasbranche aus. ALLEGO Global passt besonders gut zu uns, weil beide Firmen Experten in kleinen und großen Projekten mit sehr komplexen Anforderungen an Ingenieurswissen sind und diese gut handlen können”, sagt Hoff.

Und kaum ist der Vertrag unterzeichnet, schon vertritt ALLEGO den deutschen Hersteller KAMAT auf dem führenden Nordamerikanischen Energie-Event, der Global Energy Show, Exhibition and Conference 2022 in Calgary, Kanada.

Global Energy Show, Exhibition and Conference
June 7-9, 2022
BMO Centre at Stampede Park – Calgary, Canada
North America’s Leading Energy Event

Um mehr über ALLEGO Global Corp. zu erfahren, lesen Sie das folgende Interview mit ALLEGO Global, worin ALLEGO erklärt, was aus ihrer Sicht eine Partnerschaft mit KAMAT für sie wertvoll macht.

Interview with ALLEGO Global Corp.

Read in the following interview with ALLEGO Global Corp. what makes a partnership with KAMAT valuable from their point of view.

KAMAT: How did our cooperation start? What was your first impression?

ALLEGO Global Corp.: During some projects, a group of us from different nationality found value in having global companies to help our client in markets and areas where we can bring our expertise to ensure our growth. We strongly believe that for any industrial and commercial companies who want to expand their operations nationally and globally, our leading-edge marketing strategies provide comprehensive and practical activities that are achievable within the client’s scope of capabilities.

KAMAT: Who is ALLEGO Global Corp.?

ALLEGO Global Corp.: ALLEGO is a diverse group of specialized businesses that have been serving the consulting and trading in the global market. Our businesses exist to assist our clients with the best. sourcing and supporting with our local teams in all around of world and to minimize the risks for all involved. We have a long track record of providing safe, high-quality and cost-effective solutions to a variety of project and supply challenges.

We have ALLEGO Global Corp. in Canada with experienced engineering and marketing in-house staff who can provide highest quality of business development to our partner.

KAMAT: What is the success concept of your company?

ALLEGO Global Corp.: Our companies maintain a large in-house data which enables us to quickly source commodities and materials and makes prompt and competitive quotations for any customer’s requirements with the manufacturer’s information and specification. It is always our endeavor to coordinate and deal with reputed manufacturers and factories and to meet the satisfaction in terms of quality as well as price competitiveness of our end user.

We are dedicated to providing our customers with innovative solutions and equipment for processing units and energy sectors.

We proudly represent the highest quality manufacturers and suppliers in several fields which their end-of-the-art technology and know-hows enables us to provide each and every one of our customers with a highly qualified first-class service.

KAMAT: What makes our partnership a perfect match?

Professional CRM and customer service of ALLEGO combine with KAMATs high quality product and with our knowledge about target market and clients, can help us to get value from our partnership.

Contact Details:

ALLEGO Global Corp.
3148 Highland Blvd.
North Vancouver (British Columbia) V7R2X6
Tel: +1 604 243 1912


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